
Reactive Behaviour in Dogs

alert medium brown dog looking for something

Do you have a reactive dog? You have a reactive dog if your dog behaves disproportionately, or in an extreme way, towards a particular trigger or situation. This could mean he is also over excited, anxious or aggressive. But whatever…

Don’t give up on your reactive dog just yet

If you ever thought about giving up on your reactive dog behaviour training, I don’t blame you. It’s a frustrating job at the best of times. In this blog, I will delve into the intricate realm of reactive behaviour and…

Four stages of the behaviour training process

Changing a behaviour is not the same as teaching new cues. With traditional cue training you can keep adding new skills and tricks for as long as you want to. Changing a behaviour is usually a process that has a…

5 Dog behaviours you shouldn’t ignore

Dogs are constantly communicating with us via their behaviour. Some messages are less urgent, but others should never be ignored. Here are 5 dog behaviours that you shouldn’t ignore in your dog!

Four reasons you shouldn’t yell at your dog!

For years we’ve been taught to yell at our dogs when they do something wrong. Not only is it likely to be ineffective, but it could actually make some problems much worse. Here are four reasons why you shouldn’t yell…