
The effects of food and diet on your dogs behaviour

Lots of things can affect your dogs behaviour and mood, and diet is definitely an underrated one. If your dog gets easily frustrated, hyper, anxious, can be unpredictable, or even defensive, you might consider the effects of food and diet…

5 Signs your dog needs more sleep

None of us are at our best when we’ve had a poor nights sleep, and our dogs are no different. The average dog needs around 16-18 hours of good quality rest a day. This is not just good for him…

3 Ways to Monitor Dog Behaviour Training Progress

Progress can sometimes be slow and unpredictable when it comes to dog behaviour rehabilitation. So, it’s important to find ways to monitor your dogs behaviour training progress. This is especially the case when you are working with anxiety based problems…

Reactive Dog Behaviour Quiz

Thanks for agreeing to take part in my little experiment! There is just one easy question and no personal information will be taken, not even your name. Scroll down to begin. Good luck…

Irrational Behaviour in Dogs

Have you ever stood back and wondered what on earth your dog was thinking when he performed a certain behaviour? Don’t worry, your dog isn’t broken, this happens a lot. Dogs don’t always think in straight lines, in fact, irrational…

The impact of patience in dog training and rehabilitation

The impact of patience in dog training and rehabilitation should not be underestimated. You can have the very best advice, and perfectly suited training techniques, but if you don’t have enough patience to follow through you’ll not get the results…

Clicker training your dog

There are tons of benefits to be gained from clicker training your dog, in fact, I recommend it to nearly half of my private behaviour clients!

Socialisation with other dogs

What is socialisation? Google defines socialisation as: the process of learning to behave in a way that is acceptable to society. I like this description as it says nothing about playing, or good experiences. If you look up “socialisation with…

Managing Emotions not Behaviour!

content blonde labrador dog face poking out in between a pile of white and peach blankets.

Often training plans focus on changing a specific behaviour, but I think this can be a mistake. A calm dog is rarely a challenging dog, so it makes sense to focus on achieving a calm mind as opposed to chasing…