Dog Behaviour Survey

I need your help!

Lockdown has had an unprecedented impact on us, and our dogs. With many families able to get a dog for the first time, our changing routines, and a lack of support, so many dogs have felt the impact. But how much of an impact?

With this survey, I am hoping to get a better idea of how many of us are struggling, and what we’re struggling with. When I started working with dogs 20 years ago, behaviour problems were uncommon, and the number one problem was dogs jumping up and pulling on the lead – let’s see how much has changed!

My dog behaviour survey can be completed for dogs with and without training issues. There’s a maximum of four questions and it’s all tick boxes, so it’ll only take a minute and will really help me establish how people are currently coping with their dogs behaviour, how widespread problems might be, and how I can help better.

No personal data will be taken so your information will be completely anonymous. 

Thank you in advance…

pictured is a brown and white collie type dog sitting with a cup of tea in front of a bank of three computer screens
Dog Behaviour Survey!

I have more than 15 years experience solving all kinds of canine behaviour problems, at home and in rescue. A bad experience with a old fashioned dog trainer inspired me to learn more about dog behaviour, and it is because of him, that I wall never use harsh methods when training and rehabilitating dogs.

I work privately with clients in Dundee and the surrounding area with dogs of all ages, breeds and issues including anxiety, aggression and hyperactivity.

In 2009 I was proud to publish a book about dog behaviour and training. How to be the Perfect Pack Leader (by Caroline Jenkins) remains popular today and a follow up is expected very shortly.

Articles: 141

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