Dog Behaviour

Clicker training your dog

There are tons of benefits to be gained from clicker training your dog, in fact, I recommend it to nearly half of my private behaviour clients!

Socialisation with other dogs

What is socialisation? Google defines socialisation as: the process of learning to behave in a way that is acceptable to society. I like this description as it says nothing about playing, or good experiences. If you look up “socialisation with…

Rescue dog behaviour training!

rescue dog in training. Labrador with wrinkled face looking anxious on his bed

As a specialist in rescue dog behaviour and trauma, I am very familiar with the challenges that come with rescue dog behaviour training. Some dogs come with a story, but most don’t. And even when they do, you can’t always…

Assessing Behaviour for Dog Training

Small black and white poodle type dog wearing sunglasses , laying in a green striped hammock.

No two dogs are the same, so I will always take time in assessing behaviour properly before dog training can begin. The initial assessment will usually take between 45-60 minutes. Mostly it will involve us chatting, whilst watching him and…

Managing Emotions not Behaviour!

content blonde labrador dog face poking out in between a pile of white and peach blankets.

Often training plans focus on changing a specific behaviour, but I think this can be a mistake. A calm dog is rarely a challenging dog, so it makes sense to focus on achieving a calm mind as opposed to chasing…

Fears, Phobias and Anxiety

rescue dog in training. Labrador with wrinkled face looking anxious on his bed

What’s the difference? Whilst fear, phobia and anxiety might present with similar symptoms, there are distinct differences. Determining what you are dealing with is the first step in the rehabilitation process. We’ll start with fear as it is probably the…

Creating a bond with your dog

young lady on bended knee with her doberman. they are holding paws and hands

Why do dogs need to bond with their humans? I can answer this question two ways; on a deeper level I can talk about bonding in terms of survival. Dogs are not born with the skills to care for or…

Why does my dog…

Maslows Pyramid of Needs. Physiological needs are at the bottom, then Safety, then Love and Belonging, then Esteem and at the top of the pyramid we have self actualisation.

…and how can I stop him? Why does anyone do anything? The answer is simple really; we do what we do because it works. We do what we do because it makes us feel good; because on some level it…