Tips and Advice

Key Elements of The Perfect Dog Walk

You and your dog may have different ideas of what a perfect walk might look like. For the most well balanced dog, this is what I think a perfect walk will look like! If you can include a bit of…

Top Common Dog Training Mistakes

Here’s my top common dog training mistakes. I see these loads, so don’t feel bad if you are doing any. But, now you know, you can avoid them in the future!

The effects of food and diet on your dogs behaviour

Lots of things can affect your dogs behaviour and mood, and diet is definitely an underrated one. If your dog gets easily frustrated, hyper, anxious, can be unpredictable, or even defensive, you might consider the effects of food and diet…

Is extreme dog mouthing normal?

Extreme mouthing is no joke. If you have a dog that is mouthing on you, you’ll know how powerless you feel to stop it – and how sore it can get! So, is extreme dog mouthing normal, and if it…

5 Signs your dog needs more sleep

None of us are at our best when we’ve had a poor nights sleep, and our dogs are no different. The average dog needs around 16-18 hours of good quality rest a day. This is not just good for him…

3 Ways to Monitor Dog Behaviour Training Progress

Progress can sometimes be slow and unpredictable when it comes to dog behaviour rehabilitation. So, it’s important to find ways to monitor your dogs behaviour training progress. This is especially the case when you are working with anxiety based problems…

The Importance of Consistency in Dog Training

small terrier dog in behaviour training looking up to their owner on a loose lead

Consistency in dog training is important, we all know that, but do you know why? I’ll explain what it means to be consistent and predictable. I’ll also tell you what happens when you stop being consistent, and how you can…

The problem with retractable dog leads

a lady in shorts and a t-shirt walking her dog on a long lead through a wooded area

Retractable dog leads have become a popular choice, particularly over recent years. But, very often they cause more problems than they solve. Here’s my take on them and why they are best avoided.

How long does dog training take?

I’m often asked how long does dog training take! This is a great question but it’s almost impossible to answer with any certainty, and here’s why…