

I have more than 15 years experience solving all kinds of canine behaviour problems, at home and in rescue. A bad experience with a old fashioned dog trainer inspired me to learn more about dog behaviour, and it is because of him, that I wall never use harsh methods when training and rehabilitating dogs. I work privately with clients in Dundee and the surrounding area with dogs of all ages, breeds and issues including anxiety, aggression and hyperactivity. In 2009 I was proud to publish a book about dog behaviour and training. How to be the Perfect Pack Leader (by Caroline Jenkins) remains popular today and a follow up is expected very shortly.

Top Common Dog Training Mistakes

Here’s my top common dog training mistakes. I see these loads, so don’t feel bad if you are doing any. But, now you know, you can avoid them in the future!

Frustrated dog behaviour!

We all know dogs can get anxious and excited, but did you know they can also get frustrated? In the olden days frustrated dog behaviour might have been labelled as dominant behaviour. That never really sat well with me, mostly…

The effects of food and diet on your dogs behaviour

Lots of things can affect your dogs behaviour and mood, and diet is definitely an underrated one. If your dog gets easily frustrated, hyper, anxious, can be unpredictable, or even defensive, you might consider the effects of food and diet…

Emotion stacking in dogs

Emotion stacking happens when your dog doesn’t fully recover from one trigger before experiencing the next. This means that he will add the effect of the next trigger to the result of the last one. This is very common and…

Dog Behaviour Survey

I need your help! Lockdown has had an unprecedented impact on us, and our dogs. With many families able to get a dog for the first time, our changing routines, and a lack of support, so many dogs have felt…

Is extreme dog mouthing normal?

Extreme mouthing is no joke. If you have a dog that is mouthing on you, you’ll know how powerless you feel to stop it – and how sore it can get! So, is extreme dog mouthing normal, and if it…

Is your dog a mind reader?

Clients often ask me if their dog is a mind reader! Of course, he isn’t, not exactly. But, I can understand why it might feel that way. Your dog has literally nothing better to do than watch you all day…

5 Signs your dog needs more sleep

None of us are at our best when we’ve had a poor nights sleep, and our dogs are no different. The average dog needs around 16-18 hours of good quality rest a day. This is not just good for him…

Could my dog have separation anxiety?

Over the last few weeks I’ve seen a big rise in separation anxiety cases with families who have only just discovered their dog has a problem. These aren’t necessarily puppies! Many of these are older dogs, so why are they…

3 Ways to Monitor Dog Behaviour Training Progress

Progress can sometimes be slow and unpredictable when it comes to dog behaviour rehabilitation. So, it’s important to find ways to monitor your dogs behaviour training progress. This is especially the case when you are working with anxiety based problems…