Things They Didn’t Tell You

How long does dog training take?

I’m often asked how long does dog training take! This is a great question but it’s almost impossible to answer with any certainty, and here’s why…

Living with teenage dog behaviour!

If your once sweet and fun loving puppy has recently morphed into a demon, it’s very likely you are now living with a canine adolescent! Teenage dog behaviour is no joke. So here’s my take on what your dog is…

The impact of patience in dog training and rehabilitation

The impact of patience in dog training and rehabilitation should not be underestimated. You can have the very best advice, and perfectly suited training techniques, but if you don’t have enough patience to follow through you’ll not get the results…

The perfect time to start dog behaviour training

Many people say that the earlier you start dog behaviour training the better, but is this actually true? A puppy might learn faster, but they are excitable and easily distracted. An older dog might take longer to learn something new,…

Managing Emotions not Behaviour!

content blonde labrador dog face poking out in between a pile of white and peach blankets.

Often training plans focus on changing a specific behaviour, but I think this can be a mistake. A calm dog is rarely a challenging dog, so it makes sense to focus on achieving a calm mind as opposed to chasing…

Why does my dog… and how can I stop him?

Maslows Pyramid of Needs. Physiological needs are at the bottom, then Safety, then Love and Belonging, then Esteem and at the top of the pyramid we have self actualisation.

Why does anyone do anything? The answer is simple really; we do what we do because it works. We do what we do because it makes us feel good; because on some level it has somehow satisfied a primal need…