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Irrational Behaviour in Dogs
Have you ever stood back and wondered what on earth your dog was thinking when he performed a certain behaviour? Don’t worry, your dog isn’t broken, this happens a lot. Dogs don’t always think in straight lines, in fact, irrational…
The role of “needs” in canine rehabilitation training
Getting to the heart of the problem means understanding where the problem has come from. Maslow’s hierarchy of needs describes our needs and the order in which we prioritise and value them. I’ve adapted it slightly for dogs, but the…
Pro’s and Con’s of dog training crates
Dog training crates are becoming increasingly popular. Used well, your dog will love their crate, but they aren’t for everyone. Here are some of the pro’s and con’s of crates and how to use them.
Clicker training your dog
There are tons of benefits to be gained from clicker training your dog, in fact, I recommend it to nearly half of my private behaviour clients!
Managing Emotions not Behaviour!
Often training plans focus on changing a specific behaviour, but I think this can be a mistake. A calm dog is rarely a challenging dog, so it makes sense to focus on achieving a calm mind as opposed to chasing…
Fears, Phobias and Anxiety
Whilst fear, phobia and anxiety might present with similar symptoms, there are distinct differences. Determining what you are dealing with is the first step in the rehabilitation process.